The Developement Begins (Old post. To see new posts click “BLOG”)

Hello, lead developer of Aquatic adventure here, and welcome to the FIRST EVER Aquatic adventure blog! Here you will see all the latest stuff we are going to be doing! Supposing you all know what AquaA is I’ll get right to the point of this first blog.

We plan to release a blog every week, every weekend to let you guys know how the game is coming along, but since we are a small team and we are not able to work on this game full time, features will probably come out very slowly. We will try our best though.

On to the upcoming features and updates! This time we won’t be talking about any new features, but we will talk about the next few updates that are coming to the game. As you might know, this update will bring lots of new things like new fish, materials and areas. Once this big feature update is up and running, we will start developement with the next update which won’t be so feature based, but will be more inventory and save and load based (if that makes any sense). Basically after 1.1 we will focus more on features that we need, and completing features that already exist, like making an inventory, a save and load system, crafting e.t.c e.t.c. This is because right now the game isn’t as enjoyable as we thought it would be. We feel being able to collect items, use those items to create something or go on adventures and save your progress will make the game more playable. But after this update, AquaA will almost be finished. In the update 1.3, we will finish off fixing the bugs with many features and implementing the features that have been long overdue. After this AquaA will come out of Alpha and will be ready, kind of. After Alpha 1.3 we will start developement on FR 1.0 (Full release) and we will add many cool features for people to enjoy. We’re not saying anything more about that, but we can say that we already have a theme for that update! 🙂

One more thing! We know that we haven’t been getting a lot of support lately, but regardless of that, we will keep pushing on and trying to get this game out for you guys! Also thank you to those we have got support from, it has really helped us develop this game!

See you next time!

Lead developer (Date: 5/29/2018)


Click here to find out more/buy AquaA! 🙂


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